SBB Research Group Foundation supports ambitious organizations solving unmet needs with thoughtful, long-term strategies.
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, SBB Research Group LLC (SBBRG) resolved to continue its support and engagement with nonprofit organizations by initiating its COVID-19 Grant Program, which helped to address the needs of organizations and communities affected by the pandemic. After two years of meaningful impact through this program, the Foundation is committed to continue supporting ambitious nonprofit organizations by providing monthly grants through the SBB Research Group Foundation Grant Program.
The Foundation encourages any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to apply for a grant.
Donations are awarded to different organizations monthly.
Online Application for a $5,000 Grant
SBB Research Group Foundation recognizes that organizations have limited time and resources already, so the grant application should only take about 10 minutes.
Who Can Apply?
Any 501(c)(3) organization may apply, but preference will be given to organizations with five (5) to forty-nine (49) full-time employees​
Selection & Award Process
The SBBRG Foundation's Committee will review applications on an ongoing, rolling basis.
The Committee will select certain candidates as “Nominees” and contact them for a brief phone or video call to learn more about their organization’s mission and work.
The Committee will name a select number of Nominees as “Finalists.”
Finalists will be invited to give a formal presentation for up to ten (10) minutes to the Committee via video conference; the Committee will ask follow-up questions.
The Committee will vote to select at least one (1) Winner per month, who shall receive a grant of five thousand dollars ($5,000) and the opportunity to pursue additional funding opportunities from SBB Research Group. All other Finalists shall receive one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Terms & Conditions
The SBB Research Group Foundation is committed to supporting the community through this program and its other philanthropic efforts. Selections of Nominees, Finalists, and Winners will be at The SBBRG Foundation's sole discretion, with particular consideration given towards maximizing the impact of The SBBRG Foundation's grants and overall philanthropic mission.
An organization may apply for a grant through this program one (1) time per calendar year. Applicants that have not been selected as a Finalist or Winner will still be considered in subsequent months, so organizations are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
While this grant program may appear on other websites and grant directories (e.g., Grant Gopher), the official Terms and Conditions, which may be updated from time to time, are governed by this website only. The SBBRG Foundation reserves the right to modify this program and these Terms and Conditions at any time, for any reason, and without notice.